Here at Rathfarnham Day Care, we promote healthy nutritional choices for our children. We feel it is important at this young age to introduce and educate our children about good nutrition and the health benefits of eating well.

  • We provide healthy meals and snacks freshly prepared and cooked on the premises.
  • Snack time will be enjoyed as socialisation and interaction are encouraged.
  • We do not allow fizzy drinks, sweets, chocolate, crisps, nuts or nut spreads.
  • Water and a fruit bowl are available to children throughout the day.
  • Menus are reviewed and changed on a regular basis to ensure a varied range of food choices for the children.
  • We do not serve Desserts.
  • Processed meat products are kept to a minimum of one serving per week.
  • Healthier cooking methods are used e.g. grilling, oven cooked. No food is fried.